The following cases have been turned into articles. Over the years I have documented some of the injustices I’ve faced, and as I find time I go in and edit the articles some just to clean things up (not change the content). These instances provided me real life experience to begin learning law from a unique angle while I was homeless. I found it very difficult to survive from day to day, and constantly hitchhiked, street performed, and forage wild plants to help me survive. Today I am currently working on two cases in Iowa, and I plan to keep using my knowledge to peaceably and legally fight against injustice, and work from a “citizen’s angle” to steer our country in the right direction.
#1:I was charged more $600 for sleeping outdoors, money taken without due process (Marin County, CA)– In 2013 I was charged with “camping within city limits” while homeless in San Rafael, CA. The following spring I received a phone call fromMarin County Enhanced Collectionsalleging she owed $548 for the incident. After explaining the situation to Collections Manager Erica Hellmold Marin County had dropped the charges, years later in January 2019 $610.99 was extracted from my bank account while I was living in my vehicle, trying to get on my feet in Arizona The money was taken without a fair hearing, and my right to due process was violated.
#2:Robbed by Kern County Sheriff’s Deputies – Lake Isabella – In May 2016 five Kern County Sheriff’s Deputies trespassed onto our property and ran us out of town. We lost most of our property and became homeless. Most people in our circumstances wouldn’t have been able to compile the evidence and build the case, but we’ve posted everything online.
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