Below you will learn about the organization I registered with the Internal Revenue Service and Federal Elections Commission in 2018. Wild Willpower is not a large organization. It has literally been myself building the websites and publications since 2011. Because the organization has no backing at this time – and thus I cannot afford to hire anyone to help make these projects come to life – I urge you to donate to my personal account to help me finish writing the publications. Sales will help to drive profits for the organization, and I do dearly appreciate your help!
Unlike most PACs, we were not created by a corporation, candidate, political party, or association: the political body we serve is the “peaceable assembly of civilians” called Wild Willpower. So yes:
Recent development: We now have affiliated Candidates , who run on any of our state and/or national platforms. We are discussing forming a political party, if necessary.
Front page of website: graphics used for legitimate First Amendment purposes, in accordance with Fair Use. Sources cites as follows:
Graphic of 3D Iowa for “Heal the Heartland”: Kiffel-Alcheh, Jamie. “Iowa Pictures and Facts.” Geography, National Geographic Kids, 7 July 2021,
Graphic of heart with cardiac measurements:
Connolly, Liam. “Q&A: What Is Cardiac Arrest?” News, UCDavis Health, 4 June 2023,
Notice Regarding all Campaign Contributions
Wild Willpower PAC is a nonpartisan “nonconnected PAC”, registered with the IRS as a 527 tax exempt political organization. Contributions will be used to directly and/or indirectly influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of individual(s) to federal, state, and local public offices, and to offices in political organizations. Wild Willpower only promotes candidates who align themselves with our National Plan. Due to FEC restrictions we may not accept contributions from foreign nationals.