In an effort to simplify our website, each section of our national plan is now available as short, downloadable PDFs. Our housing proposal may be downloaded here:
There are 43,267,432 renter-occupied households, containing 110,175,847 residents[8], and3,213,000 vacant rental units. [9] 43,267,432 (renter-occupied households)plus 3,213,000 (vacant rental spaces) = There are approximately 46,480,432 total rental spaces throughout the U.S.
“Renter-occupied structures” include:
Single-Family Units: 15,194,827 structures with 47,652,188 residents living in them.
2 to 4 Units: 7,777,641 households, containing 19,008,529 residents.
5 or More Units:18,299,474 households, containing37,831,895 residents.
Alludes to the fact that there are likely many more rental units in the U.S. than the aforementioned equation calculates. For instance, there are many units such as this:
The “5 or More Units” category also represents “rental towns” such asStuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper VillageinNew York City, where (in most cases)all rent allocated to a single landowner &/or group of shareholders:
Rental situations such those in the above photos are common, and they prevent people from living self-sufficient, sustainable lives while perpetuating vast wealth inequality.
Diagram of the Power Structure of Rent:
(Click to enlarge)
“Guaranteed Housing” –
a Long-Forgotten Constitutional Right:
The “right to homestead” is one of many rights guaranteed by the Ninth Amendment, and the term homestead is technically a legal term devised to prevent one’s home from being able to be foreclosed on (where was that during the 2008 housing collapse!?!?). Historically under Anglo-Saxon common law, from which U.S. law developed, every person was guaranteed a “homestead.” “Unenumerated rights” such as the right to homestead were adopted into U.S. law at a time in history when statutes were not yet written, yet still these rights remain.
Many believe homesteading just isn’t feasible, however, because there’s nowhere to legally live these days without paying rent or contracting a mortgage: all the land was bought up before our generation was born! (10 percent of the U.S. population owns 82% of the real estate, while only 5% of that population owns 75% of that land.[1]).
Well, just as the Free Soil Party petitioned Congress to implement a Homestead Act decades before the Homestead Act of 1862 was passed (they also petitioned to end slavery), Wild Willpower PAC is petitioning to enact a two-part housing plan called the Right to Homestead Act, which uses “what we have in place” to make homesteading perfectly feasible:
Part 1: Re-allocates the $20+ billion in Section 8 funds to buy out rental property owners and give rental spaces to tenants.
Part 2: Re-appropriate the 18+ million abandoned properties throughout the U.S. to prospective homesteaders – people willing to fix them up and cultivate the land.
The Right to Homestead Act goes hand-in-hand with a new proposed public works program we’re petitioning for called Civilian Restoration Corps .; C.R.C employees will perform necessary repairs (e.g. electrical, plumbing, foundation, roofing) and install clean energy units (e.g. solar) onto residential units in every town and city across the country. In addition, Homesteading Starter Kits and Educational Materials help new homeowners on their path toward self-sufficiency and responsible homeownership.
Hoover, Amanda. “Your next Landlord Could Be 100 Random People.” Wired, Conde Nast, 30 Mar. 2023,
Notice Regarding all Campaign Contributions
Wild Willpower PAC is a nonpartisan “nonconnected PAC”, registered with the IRS as a 527 tax exempt political organization. Contributions will be used to directly and/or indirectly influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of individual(s) to federal, state, and local public offices, and to offices in political organizations. Wild Willpower only promotes candidates who align themselves with our National Plan. Due to FEC restrictions we may not accept contributions from foreign nationals.