- thousands of legal term definitions organized by category. The site only uses federally-recommended law dictionaries and other credible sources, so you know the information is legit. Whenever you encounter a legal term inside of another legal term’s definition, that term is hyperlinked – just click on it to learn the definition for that term as well. Compare the simplicity this website to opening up any law dictionary – you’ll find the website much more user-friendly.
- Federal Rules of Procedure simplified – this section of the website untangles the very-confusing Federal Rules of Procedure, and turns them into a DIY step-by-step walkthrough – including attaching direct links to court forms from UScourts.gov in places where they are needed.
- a section on holding public officials accountable – we here at Wild Willpower believe that by the time students graduate high school, they should know “what to do” if an officer or public official violates their rights – or if anyone hurts them! How to perform records requests, how and where to file claims, how and where to file complaint forms, and the basics of effectively representing yourself in court. While we are working to map this and make it available on the site, Wild Willpower is also advocating that “jurisprudence should be taught in high schools” as part of our stance on justice reform.
What we need to finish the site:
While a great deal has been done – the core of the website is built – there are still many pages which are unfinished. Wild Willpower PAC is seeking individuals who “want” this site to be finished. Our staff will help train you to help us organize the rest of the website. If you don’t have time to help build the site – but you want to see this tool be made available to the public, Wild Willpower PAC is currently seeking monthly sponsors (anything from $5/month and up).
To help build the site or to sponsor our hard-working volunteers, contact [email protected] and write PUBLIC INTELLIGENCE in the subject line.
Also check out:
How Wild Willpower is working to improve the U.S. and state justice systems
View our other educational materials.
Back to www.WildWillpower.org.

Help People Live Sustainably
We here at Wild Willpower believe “helping people live sustainably” should be one of America’s top priorities. We want to see more gardens, less food waste, and more freedom. Because “researching permaculture techniques”, however, is time consuming and tedious, we’re creating Homesteading Starter Kits which go hand-in-hand with our national plan.
Homesteading Starter Kits are designed to make “living sustainably” a much simpler process for experienced gardeners and for people who “lack the green thumb”. These kits contain heirloom & native seed packets pre-packaged with their companion plants (plants which require similar growing conditions or which grow particularly well together) and instructions for “the most efficient gardening techniques in the world“. Some kits include:
- “Cold Frame” Kits – Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, & other types of Cruciferous Greens
- “Full Sunlight, Low Water” Kits – Eggplant, Sunflower, Okra, etc.
- “Ideal for Raised Bed” Kits – Asparagus, Carrots, etc.
- “Summer Greens & Spices” Kits – Lettuce, Oregano, Basil, etc.
- “The 3 Sisters” Kits – Corn, Beans, Squash, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Huit La Coche
Benefits of an
En Masse Homesteading Movement:
- improve local food supplies.
- stop landfills from growing because “gardens aren’t wrapped in garbage”.
- provide families the opportunity to live self-sufficient, healthy lives.
- reduce dependence on welfare programs (and thus, to reduce taxes).
- transition away from an ecologically-destructive food supply which is dependent upon the subjugation & abuse of animals.
#2.) Clean Energy Inventions:
Innovative Solar Solutions
Ingenius Wind Energy Inventions
Water-Powered Energy Inventions & Purification Systems
Charge Your Electronics Using The Heat of a Campfire
Brilliant Inventions That Clean Up Trash
Thank you to Saboteur365 for this great commemorative graphic we’re using in accordance with Fair Use.
#3.) “Simple-Tech” Home Improvement:
Cob Housing – mixing mud to work like clay for walls, etc
Build Your Own Low-Cost Swimming Pool
7 Ingenius Uses for Salt
Vegetable Storage- for Best Results
Join ‘The Zero Trash Commitment’
#4.) Organizations Currently Involved with Ecological Restoration
Read Our Entire Platform
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Legal Self-Help
- www.ReUniteTheStates.org – legal self-help website containing thousands of well-organized legal term definitions using federally-recommended law dictionaries and other credible sources.
- Iowa Rules of Procedure – Simplified! – when you add up the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure and Iowa Rules of Evidence, there are ~372 rules one must adhere to for civil cases within the State of Iowa. This simplified version of them, in-the-making, has turned them into step-by-step instructions.
- Justice Accessibility Act – I am currently planning to run for Governor in the State of Iowa in 2026. This is the justice reform plan I am running on. Based on my experience traveling the USA, an Act similar to this is needed in many states throughout the union.
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Lady Justice photo used for noncommercial purposes, in accordance with Fair Use laws. Source: “Liberty Island.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., www.britannica.com/place/Liberty-Island. Accessed 3 Feb. 2024.

Gardens Across Iowa!
by Sondra Wilson. Last updated 11/10/24.
The following six “phases” show the various projects our team is working on, in the order we’ll complete them (because we can’t start Phase II without first completing Phase I, and so on). Note that 5% of all campaign contributions go toward Wild Willpower PAC’s discretionary funds, which are used to help people in need: our prime directive is “to help people live sustainability”, so we are apt to help people toward getting on their feet as opposed to helping with rent or only temporary emergency relief.
Phase I: The Gardens Across Iowa!™ Google Calendar (prototype to create App – see Phase II)
You can now download the Gardens Across Iowa!™ Google Calenda for free. It integrates directly into the your current Google Calendar to provide you with:
- Precise dates to plant various garden crops based on Iowa’s frost date (~April 20). For example:
- On Jan. 26, users receive this notification, “Two weeks from now is the ideal time to begin germinating hot and bell peppers indoors. Here are the supplies you will need…” Soon you will be able to purchase any supplies you don’t have right through the Calendar (which in turn helps support this project). We are only seeking the best, most affordable products in order to save you time on research.
- On Feb. 9 the Calendar will alert you with this notification that it is time to germinate your peppers.
- On May 1 you will receive this notification, “Ten days from now it will be time to transplant your pepper sprouts into the garden. Now is the time to harden your plants and prepare the soil.” Again users click the notification to receive directions for doing these two tasks.
- On May 11 you receive this notification to transplant them into the garden, again with step-by-step directions.
The Calendar contains several entries for various crops now, however with your support Wild Willpower PAC will be able to hire our student-led team to:
- Vastly improve the entries we currently have in place (including adding photos), and
- Add numerous entries for a wide variety of garden crops and herbs.
The Calendar also groups each plant with their companion plants. For example, corn, beans, and squash grow exceptionally well together. Beets and turnips are also companion plants. The Calendar integrates companion planting techniques throughout to make planning your garden simple and fun.
There are also many plants that should not be grown next to each other which are also indicated within the Calendar.
Additionally, we are vacuuming the internet to collect the most efficient, aesthetically-pleasing techniques we can find. Here are just a few examples:
Double-planter technique for potatoes
A clean, simple, portable way to grow potatoes, allowing gardeners to simply lift the inner pot to pluck potatoes. A great way to maximize space within your garden. To grow potatoes earlier in the season while there is still danger of frost, put a tarp over the ground to enjoy an earlier harvest.
Cucumber tipi
Vine cucumbers love to hang, allowing them to grow larger and longer, with stronger vines, and without yellowing and flattening on the underside. The large leaves grow up the tipi and provide shade to retain water within. Cucumbers like a lot of water, so this creates a perfect environment for the fruits to thrive.
Rain gutter-planter hanging strawberries
A semi-shady overhang to guard the plants beneath from direct sun doesn’t get more gorgeous than this:
Oh my gourd! – what a gourdgeous tunnel!!
Advertising Opportunity for Businesses = Discounts & Special Offers for Calendar Users
At the bottom of each of the Calendar’s database entries, our sponsors will be listed along with their logo, a link to their website, and a special offer available to the user that is available exclusively through Gardens Across Iowa!™. Users can activate this offer in two ways:
- Coming into the business and saying, “Thank you for helping to sponsor Gardens Across Iowa.” This allows our sponsors to hear firsthand gratitude from Iowans who appreciate that businesses are helping to make this possible, and provides our users with an opportunity to consider that these businesses do in fact care, and are doing something very important to help the community and the environment.
- If a business provides sales through their website, a link may be provided that users can click which brings them to a page to make the purchase where the exclusive discount or offer is available.
Not only will can you use the Calendar/App to plan your gardens, you can also use it to shop deals and find discounts locally! This could be 10% of any select types of products, “buy one get one free”, or whatever offer our sponsors choose to make.
This will get more exciting once the App is developed (see Phase II below), however as we’re developing the Calendar, we will work to equitably place different businesses at the top of each entry so that all businesses are as visible as possible throughout the Calendar. If at some point in the future we find a way to make location service based advertising available within the Calendar, as described within Phase II, we will do that.
Phase II: Modeling a Movement – Wild Willpower PAC is seeking a plot of land in Ames, Iowa
Wild Willpower PAC is currently seeking a plot of land to work with in spring 2025 so we can create a model garden. We would like to approach Iowa State University with a proposal to implement an on-campus student-run garden. We will seek to automate watering with timers wherever possible, and to troubleshoot any problems to make the garden as hands-free as possible. It is our hope that positive media attention could broadcast our model garden so it may be replicated anywhere in Iowa. At Iowa State University we have one of the top engineering colleges in the world and one of the top horticulture colleges in the world: if we can’t engineer a horticulture movement, I don’t know who can!
Phase III: The Gardens Across Iowa! App™
Once the Calendar is complete, it will be used to develop the Gardens Across Iowa! App™. which will include location services. That means:
- Advertising slots, located at the bottom of each calendar (database) entry, will show local sponsors at the top of the list. For example, if we have 5 sponsors in Ames, and a user in Ames is looking at an entry on tomatoes, Ames sponsors will be located at the top, followed by ads from other nearby sponsors who are slightly further away. If that person drives to Des Moines, nearby Des Moines area sponsors will located at the top, and so on. A list of all Iowa sponsors may be toggled by the user so they look through all sponsors and find deals.
- Each local sponsors’ ads will be shuffled and randomized. For example, if we have 5 sponsors in in Ames, there will be a 1 in 5 chance that your business is located in the premium spot, followed by the other 4 sponsors.
The App will also allow users to toggle various plants within the calendar on and off, so if they don’t want to grow eggplants, they can toggle those notifications so they don’t show up in the calendar. Next year, if they decide to grow eggplants, they can toggle it back on to receive those notifications.
Phase IV: Replicating Our Model Garden:
Proceeds from sponsorships and campaign contributions from private citizens (donate here) will help us hire our app development crew to get this all running as described above, however that is a finite process. Once the Calendar/App are finished and there are only maintenance and fixed costs for Wild Willpower PAC, proceeds will enter into a fund that goes toward purchasing land around the state for use in opening up community gardens.
Phase V: The Gardens Across America! App™:
The Gardens Across Iowa! App will be used to develop the Gardens Across America! App™. This means that if a person were using the app in Colorado, for example, the dates for each plant will relocate within the calendar to dates which match Colorado’s frost date. This App will be useful to anyone in the U.S.
Phase VI: The Gardens Across Earth! App™:
The Gardens Across America! App will be used to develop the Gardens Across Earth! App™. It is our hope that what we are modeling here in the Heartland can help end food insecurity around the world. Heal the Heartland; heal the world!
Thank you so much for your support!
If your business is interested in becoming a sponsor, please email [email protected] with “Gardens Across Iowa!” in the subject line.
If you are a US-based business, politician, PAC, or Citizen, we are very grateful for your contribution!
Gardens About Iowa! is a joint venture between Wild Willpower PAC, Sondra Wilson for Iowa Governor, and our sponsors:
Wild Willpower PAC is registered with the IRS as a 527 tax exempt political organization, and with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) as the first registered “Civil PAC” in the nation. While many PACs primarily focus on getting candidates elected (or not elected), Wild Willpower PAC utilizes campaign contributions toward Service Projects to help the general public.
Sondra Wilson for Iowa Governor is the name of Sondra’s campaign committee registered with the Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board for the 2026 gubernatorial election. The Calendar and App (see Phase III) will be used to make Sondra’s proposed Statewide Gardening Program feasible. The plan includes:
- A school program to teach students to manage a garden, with produce then being used within Iowa’s school lunch program. Remember that low-income students just had funding cut for Iowa’s school lunch program, so here is a low-cost, common sense solution that provides students with valuable skills that will serve them the rest of their lives. Also, kids love playing in dirt!
- Allocating funding to municipalities across Iowa so they can purchase land to open up community gardens “in every town and city across Iowa”. Professional gardeners will be hired by the state (similar to FDR’s public works program) to help manage the gardens – essentially taking care of any tasks not being maintained by individual plot-holders. Also this provides plot-holders with not only the Calendar/App to help them with gardening, but also a local professional to talk with to help resolve any issues they may be having, or help that they need. Additionally Iowans have access to Iowa State University’s Extension Offices to find assistance as well. This part of the plan is important because:
- Iowa recorded record high food insecurity in 2023 (Food Bank of Iowa). With some of the most rich, fertile soils in the world, there should be no reason for this.
- In 2022 $802M in crops were destroyed due to the derecho and drought which happened in the same year (Des Moines Register). Currently Iowans are not prepared for major natural disasters, war, or severe economic downturn. In urban areas, this leaves Iowans as sitting ducks,. God forbid should such a disaster should occur.
- This plan will help beautify cities, connect people with nature, and bring community members from all walks of life together within a healthy setting.
Benefits of an En Masse Homesteading Movement:
- improve local food supplies.
- stop landfills from growing because “gardens aren’t wrapped in garbage”.
- provide families the opportunity to live self-sufficient, healthy lives.
- reduce dependence on welfare programs (and thus, to reduce taxes).
Why the term homestead? – The term “homestead” is actually a very important common law legal term which prevents a person who is working to live sustainably from having their home foreclosed on.
Thank you to Saboteur365 for this great commemorative graphic we’re using in accordance with Fair Use.
“Records Shattered Again as More Iowans Seek Help with Food.” Food Bank of Iowa, 7 Dec. 2023, foodbankiowa.org/news/records-shattered-again-as-more-iowans-seek-help-with-food/.
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Other sustainability resources:
#1.) Clean Energy Inventions:
Innovative Solar Solutions
Ingenius Wind Energy Inventions
Water-Powered Energy Inventions & Purification Systems
Charge Your Electronics Using The Heat of a Campfire
Brilliant Inventions That Clean Up Trash
#2.) “Simple-Tech” Home Improvement:
Cob Housing – mixing mud to work like clay for walls, etc
Build Your Own Low-Cost Swimming Pool
7 Ingenius Uses for Salt
Vegetable Storage- for Best Results
Join ‘The Zero Trash Commitment’
#3.) Organizations Currently Involved with Ecological Restoration

Class Action: Wilson v State of Iowa
by Sondra Wilson. Updated 9/18/2024.
I graduated high school from Nevada High School in 2000, and have experienced many injustices over the years both here in my home state and abroad. Several of these injustices were performed by government officials (police officers, sheriff’s deputies, judges), and no matter how diligently I tried to find legal representation, I never could. Whether in California (where I spent a great deal of my travels) or Iowa, organizations which provide legal support for low-income citizens told me the same thing, “We don’t take fee-generating cases – find a private attorney.” However, what I’ve found is that finding an attorney to help take on government corruption is nearly impossible. Being a transgender woman, I firmly believe, made finding help especially difficult (and frankly, impossible).
So I began dedicating years toward learning as much as I can about how the U.S. legal system works (and in which ways its not working!). I’m now particularly interested in spreading awareness about “color of law crimes” – a type of crime centered around government corruption – wherein a government agency or official uses the “appearance” (or color) of law in order to deprive someone of their rights.
As I’ve been researching, I’ve compiled much of what I’ve learned into a legal self-help website that is now years in the making: www.ReUniteTheStates.org. I founded Wild Willpower PAC in 2018 in part in order to broadcast some of the cases I’ve faced and hopefully help bring national attention to them. They are of importance to me because each case has adversely impacted my life such a great deal.
Much of what I am referencing with regard to the State of Iowa is detailed in this lawsuit against the State of Iowa and Kim Reynolds’ campaign committee I recently filed. After reading the lawsuit, you will have a good idea of why I’m also running for Iowa Governor.
I believe that in order to heal the nation, we must first heal the heartland. This can be done especially through the Urban Gardening Program , justice reform proposal, and other parts of my platform. The programs we model in this state may be replicated in other states, and throughout the world. Again – we must “heal the heartland”.
Thank you.

Sondra’s “London Abroad” Blog
by Sondra Wilson. Last updated 2/17/2024.
Note that my blog will not be finished until later in 2024. I’m currently focused on the lawsuit! – Sondra
Please follow my blog as I travel throughout Europe from Feb. 9 – April 6, 2024 to complete the first two books within the upcoming history textbook series, The Hidden History of Law.
- Book 1 – Inside the Library of Ashurbanipal – about the earliest written human languages, the first archaeological evidence of money and the commercial and criminal law systems, the first kingships (royal families), and the cultures who invented them. The Library of Ashurbanipal was burned down in 612 BC, and remained buried beneath the Earth until the 1850s! View preview pages.
- Book 2 – The Colonization of Pre-Christian Europe, and the Birth of Civil Law – explores the spread of a certain diaspora of Judaism as it traveled from Canaan to Rome, reformed into the Roman Catholic Empire. then spread across and conquered Europe beneath a foreign legal system. During my travels throughout Europe, I intend to visit the following sites (it doesn’t have to be them all) because they signify major battles wherein Indo-Europeans resisted colonization. View previews.
Please note: helping to support my blog goes directly to me – not to Wild Willpower PAC. I am here with my school as a student. Thank you so much for your support!
- PayPal = [email protected]
- Venmo = @Sondra-Wilson-777
- To arrange another method of payment, or to become a monthly sponsor, please email [email protected].