Official Platform – Sondra Wilson for Iowa Governor
Each section of my plan is listed below. More sections will be added, and I am constantly in the process of adding to and amending each section. Everything below is a work in progress. Please email [email protected] with ideas on how you might improve any part of the plan (or if I have not addressed something). I will carefully consider your proposal and personally contact you. I look forward to having meaningful, constructive dialogues about important topics with you. I am willing to learn and change parts of the plan as I continue to learn.
Respect for Women – right to abortion first trimester, with some exceptions. It is abusive to coerce a woman to give birth when her conscience dictates otherwise. We should not force our beliefs onto others in the United States. Ultimately it is a woman’s decision. She should not be harassed, and should be emotionally supported if she comes to make this difficult and serious decision.
Pass the Justice Accessibility Act (and decriminalize cannabis) – make Iowa’s justice system more easily accessible (and less confusing!) to non-attorneys: see here for for a step-by-step, simplified version of Iowa’s Court Rules I’ve been developing for public benefit. As Governor, I will commission to have this simplified court procedure commission the making of a publicly-accessible database of both State of Iowa and Federal Supreme Court Rulings. In high schools, we will teach civics, including the basics of criminal and civil law. I will work to strengthen civil rights laws (and improve enforcement thereof). In criminal cases, the state will award damages to Defendants found not guilty. To improve the quality of legal representation Iowans receive, clients must be given the opportunity to review/approve anything their Attorney/Representative files on their behalf.
Divert $345M annually from Private Schools to Public Schools – the School Voucher Program is unconstitutional. Public tax dollars may not be used to fund public religious institutions. This will easily fund Area Education Agencies Agencies and provide a great deal of funding for a myriad of other programs as well.
Upgrade Iowa’s Healthcare System – instead of giving Citizens a “choice period” to choose of the three HMOs, each HMO is delegated to cover all health-related matters within 1/3 of all covered afflictions. This will free up a lot of wasted tax dollars in a manner which increases coverage for Iowans, attracts more in-network surgeons, and reduce medication costs.
Housing Reform – out of state landlords are collecting obscene amounts of Iowans’ income by building apartment complexes in Iowa. Many renters are spending half their income on rent. My plan helps renters and Iowa landlords.
Rights-intact, effective gun legislation – require licenses for guns including a written test similar to a driver’s license test. Test will include how to safely store a gun, and when it is legal or not legal to use one in self-defense or to defend others. Make it a felony for firearms to end up in the hands of an unlicensed minor. Allow young Iowans to get a permit at age 16, but they cannot own a gun or of access/control over a gun until age 18. Create a “veteran and officer” education program in Iowa schools to educate and instill values in young people. I do not support gun bans.
On Transgender issues – teach about LGBT+ (gender and sexuality) in sex ed (age-appropriate education), and tie in LGBT+ issues into civic class in high schools. Age 16 age restriction for hormone therapy, Age 18 age restriction for surgeries. Minimum 2 years on hormone therapy for transgender women to participate in college sports. Add “gender identity” to Iowa’s hate crime statutes.
I would like to extend a special thank you to Photographer Marcy Toal for the above photo, and to Riverside Pride for inviting me to participate this year!