I’m sorry – this page is really not done at all. I need to rework it to do Ashawna justice.
Ashawna and I first met in early spring 2005; I had been living on the streets between Santa Monica and East L.A. for a year and a 1/2, and was hitchhiking to San Francisco before transferring to San Francisco.
It isn’t hard to remember how refreshing meeting and knowing Ashawna was. Not a day went by for my first 8 months on the streets of Los Angeles that I wasn’t hurt in some way. I had been either attacked energetically or physically and violently nearly every day while living on the streets while attending the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles from 2003-2005.
Meeting Ashawna was refreshing because she was not only a friend, she was an elder who was empathetic toward my situation – she and I could relate closely because we both were transgender and shared that experience, but also we were sort of “alone” because a lot of loved ones disassociated with us after we began transitioning.
After “aging out” (turning 25) at the Children’s Hospital, I was told that I could transfer to one of 4 cities in the United States, because only those 4 would cover healthcare for transsexual women. I chose San Francisco, mostly because it was a city that almost seemed like a legendary faerie tale back when I lived in Iowa. In the South Bay, I would meet a Faerie Queen who lived up to every bit of that legend:
Ashawna Haileywent to the spirit world on October 14, 2011 & thanks to her aid & unique gifts of guidance to Distance, Wild Willpower has been made possible.
Thank you, Ashawna, for all the beautiful & bountiful things you helped bring into the world and for believing in me and making dreams come true. You put me on the runway toward the flight of my life. Many people love and miss you dearly.
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Wild Willpower PAC is a nonpartisan “nonconnected PAC”, registered with the IRS as a 527 tax exempt political organization. Contributions will be used to directly and/or indirectly influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of individual(s) to federal, state, and local public offices, and to offices in political organizations. Wild Willpower only promotes candidates who align themselves with our National Plan. Due to FEC restrictions we may not accept contributions from foreign nationals.