While many US states are rewriting history in order to tame a new narrative (e.g. watering down and teaching a false narrative about slavery, omitting Native American history), I have been working diligently since in 2012 to write a series of accurate, scholarly-level textbooks. While I am happy to announce that the entire series is nearly complete, books one and two will be released in 2024. Between Feb. 9 and Apr 18 I traveled to Europe to finish documenting these two prequels to the series; you can read about these travels and where I went within my London Abroad blog if you like!
Book 1: Inside the Library of Ashurbanipal – covers the archaeological evidence of humanity’s oldest known writings and the civilization which created them. Earliest archaeological evidence of money, commerce, the world’s royal families, governments, and law tablets. This book sets up the series, providing a crucial part of the overall timeline which brings all the other books into context. View preview pages.
Book 2: The Colonization of Pre-Christian Europe, and the Birth of Civil Law – View previews.
Book 3: North America; Pre-Contact –
Book 4: North America; The Introduction of Horses and Guns –
Book 5: American Revolution; The Untold Story –
Book 6: A Subverted Republic; the Indian Removal Era –
Book 7: The Two Treaties of Fort Laramie –
Book 8: The Unfolding Fight for Civil Rights –
Book 9: A Class Action Lawsuit for Standing Rock –
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