Wild Willpower consists of two organizations: a “peaceable assembly of civilians” (described below) and a political action committee called Wild Willpower PAC. The PAC handles our finances and helps us organize. Wild Willpower PAC:
records campaign contributions (that we receive) of $50 or more to the Federal Elections Commission (“FEC”).
maintains a copy of all receipts we provide to them.
allocates funding to the Peaceable Assembly for projects Wild Willpower is involved with.
Due to the fact that both historically and in modern times political movements have become infiltrated and then “sabotaged from within”, everyone who joins Wild Willpower signs a contract promising to adhere to our Code of Ethics.
As an organization, we are also interested in social justice. We also realize that the system may feel very intimidating – especially to anyone who has been a victim of a color of law crime or malicious prosecution.
Because 501c3 nonprofits are often prohibited from participating in political activity (it is written into nearly every grant), there are things Wild Willpower may legally do which many non-profits may find outside their scope.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people ‘Peaceably to Assemble’, & to Petition the Government for a ‘Redress of Grievances‘.”
Wild Willpower originally planned to become a Non-Profit Corporation. This would have been our mission statement had we chosen to stay that course:
Special thanks to Natasha Lavdovsky for this great photograph from 2011.
Thank you for becoming the change you wish to see in the world! In celebration of that very notion, here’s an amazing music video about Mahatma Gandhi by inspiring artist MC Yogi. Gandhi:
Wild Willpower PAC is a nonpartisan “nonconnected PAC”, registered with the IRS as a 527 tax exempt political organization. Contributions will be used to directly and/or indirectly influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of individual(s) to federal, state, and local public offices, and to offices in political organizations. Wild Willpower only promotes candidates who align themselves with our National Plan. Due to FEC restrictions we may not accept contributions from foreign nationals.