We here at Wild Willpower believe “helping people live sustainably” should be one of America’s top priorities. We want to see more gardens, less food waste, and more freedom. Because “researching permaculture techniques”, however, is time consuming and tedious, we’re creating Homesteading Starter Kits which go hand-in-hand with our national plan.
Homesteading Starter Kits are designed to make “living sustainably” a much simpler process for experienced gardeners and for people who “lack the green thumb”. These kits contain heirloom & native seed packets pre-packaged with their companion plants (plants which require similar growing conditions or which grow particularly well together) and instructions for “the most efficient gardening techniques in the world“. Some kits include:
“Cold Frame” Kits – Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, & other types of Cruciferous Greens
see https://wildwillpower.org/or-make-a-one-time-donation/council-members/animal-freedom-street-theatre-modeling-americas-1st-wildharvesting-cooperative/distance-evehearts-bio
Notice Regarding all Campaign Contributions
Wild Willpower PAC is a nonpartisan “nonconnected PAC”, registered with the IRS as a 527 tax exempt political organization. Contributions will be used to directly and/or indirectly influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of individual(s) to federal, state, and local public offices, and to offices in political organizations. Wild Willpower only promotes candidates who align themselves with our National Plan. Due to FEC restrictions we may not accept contributions from foreign nationals.