Wild Willpower PAC is currently seeking to raise $35,000 capital in order to get More Valuable Than Gold printed via Heuss Printing in Ames, Iowa. After contacting more than ten publishers, the best quote we have received, which does not depend on exploiting ill-treated workers overseas, is Heuss. The exact quote, $33,874.61, will enable us to print 1250 soft covers and 1250 hard covers. While other price points were given, this ~$35K was the “sweet spot” which would enable us to order enough quantity to drive down the price and make them affordable: $20 for soft covers, $30 for hard covers.
After the Books are Printed: A Strategy for Intercultural Healing
Once the books are printed, we envision large campaign contributions being used to offset the cost of these textbooks. For example if a philanthropist or good Samaritan were to offer a campaign contribution to Wild Willpower PAC in order to offset costs to consumers, or so that we could offer 10,000 books, at no cost, to every Indian Reservation, so as to help return this sacred and blessed knowledge back to the people from whom it was taken from, not only would (a) Richard Lonewolf’s family receive royalties so that his children will have enough to survive, but (2) Wild Willpower PAC would be able to perform an initial action of Good Will toward the tribal nations. As an organization, it is a primary goal to aid indigenous elders from around the world who still possess the Old World knowledge. We seek to hire documentation crews and sponsor such teachers, so that footage may be uploaded into the Wild Living Skills App™. Imagine, seven generations from now, if you will, that our descendants might look back at this piece of technology and see their ancestors, in an olive branch of Good Will, working together to co-create a piece of technology that brings this knowledge back to the people, during a time when it seemed that all hope was lost with regard to being able to connect with nature in this way. It is such a profound piece of technology that, we here at Wild Willpower PAC firmly believe, we owe it to future generations to deliver such a tool. Imagine the words of an indigenous elder’s great, great grandchild, watching a video of their great, great grandmother, teaching how to make food from wild plants, and saying, to the children around them, “That’s my great, great grandmother.” If that is not a beautiful thought and worth striving for, as it is such an attainable goal, we don’t know what is.
Although Wild Willpower PAC does have other plans to help all of humanity, the United States, and the tribal nations, such as the creation of the Oceti Sakowin Heritage Trail, our first step, as an organization, is to assist just one indigenous elder, Richard Lonewolf, via getting his book off the printer so that his family will have money to survive on. Lonewolf, being a U.S. Army Veteran who trained U.S. military units in wilderness survival, and now not receiving, at this time, the benefits he is due, he reminds me too much of the blessed and never-to-be-forgotten Ira Hayes, whom Johnny Cash sang about.
Please contact [email protected] with MORE VALUABLE in the subject line in order to assist with this important humanitarian effort. Please note that, while Wild Willpower PAC’s websites are not perfect – many web pages are unfinished or outdated – that everything you see throughout