This Act will simplify the obscenely-complex Iowa Rules of Courtroom Procedure into simple, step-by-step instructions with forms in order to make Iowa’s courts accessible to Iowans. There are currently 372 court rules for civil cases. These are “our” courts and need to be made accessible to Iowans. The average attorney in Iowa costs $240/hr while the average Iowan earns $18/hr. 92% of low-income Americans can’t afford attorneys for civil cases. We have got to make the courts accessible in order to achieve “liberty and justice for all”. The Act also will create a class in all Iowa high schools to teach the basics of criminal and civil law to students, including topics of combating government corruption, white collar crimes, and color of law crimes. The Act also reforms the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, which is ranked 50th in the nation compared to other civil rights agencies! Iowa was once a leader in civil rights (seeAlexander Clark). It’s time to get back on track.
All sections of Wild Willpower PAC’s state platform are written inside Google Docs. Please read the Justice Accessibility Act here.