One of three major aspects of Civilian Restoration Corps. will be to create millions of jobs for people to plant & maintain publicly-owned, diverse heirloom & native plant gardens throughout towns & cities from coast to coast— thus replacing “decoratives & water-suckers” (i.e. lawns) throughout urban areas & rural towns.
Imagine what it will be like when people get paid to do this all throughout towns & cities across America:
Public gardens will be designed & implemented among newly-designated “no spray zones” (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, etc.); pest & rodent deterring plants as well as companion planting techniques (i.e. “The 3 Sisters“) will be utilized. Fruit & nut trees will be planted from cuttings, & watering will be made automated. A diversity of useful plants, trees, shrubs, & vines will be approved for use by Civilian Restoration Corps., & areas will be planted “to provide each community with a biodiversity large enough to help meet its needs and the needs of passers-by.”
Topsoil will be brought to cities from state & federal lands using the least ecologically-disruptive harvesting methods possible. Bags of soil (which currently cots ~$5 for 40 lbs.) will be subsidized to be purchased from local hardware stores.
Links to Educational Resources to Help Orchestrate This Section of C.R.C.:
Help create a healthy & ecologically sustainable food supply to help replace the GMO & animal agriculture-based food supply we currently have in place, thus creating a healthier Citizenry.
Help create a robust agricultural economy.
Alleviate strain on communities trying to keep up with poverty in their areas.
Relieves people from what will become unnecessary excess labor: trucking & other forms of commercial hauling, garbage collecting & waste management, & so on) in a way which is “more beneficial to all people than the current paradigm is to anyone”.
Increase National Security in Case of War, Disaster, or Economic Collapse (we’ll have publicly-available food & herbal medicine growing everywhere, which will reduce stress, panic, & anxiety for everyone at all times)
Increase National Security by alleviating animosities between ourselves & people of other nations via a “help feed & house the world” movement for global peace & prosperity, with all human rights respected.
How This is Paid For:
$5.5 billion will be paid for by ending the carried interest loophole that allows billionaire hedge fund managers to pay a lower tax rate than nurses and truck drivers. [1]
Wild Willpower PAC is a nonpartisan “nonconnected PAC”, registered with the IRS as a 527 tax exempt political organization. Contributions will be used to directly and/or indirectly influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of individual(s) to federal, state, and local public offices, and to offices in political organizations. Wild Willpower only promotes candidates who align themselves with our National Plan. Due to FEC restrictions we may not accept contributions from foreign nationals.